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John C. Burroughs


See George McWhorter's Index for a complete listing of Bulletin contents from issue No. 1 to Present

The Bibliophiles got their start in 1947 when Vern Coriell, a traveling circus performer, founded The Burroughs Bulletin. Created with the blessing of Edgar Rice Burroughs himself, the Bulletin came to life as a small mimeographed fanzine -- the contents of which were belted out on an old typewriter perched on the hood of Vern’s car when he was on the road -- that was sent free to curious Burroughs enthusiasts. One of the curious was Vincent Starrett, the influential Chicago Tribune book critic, and his review brought in a flood of requests from around the world. By 1960 the readership had grown to such an extent that Vern and other fans, at the World Science Fiction Convention in Pittsburgh that year, decided to create an organized literary society, the Burroughs Bibliophiles; the Bulletin became the group’s official organ. The mission of the Bibliophiles, then as now, is to promote an understanding and appreciation of the great American author Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Both the Bibliophiles and the Bulletin foundered in 1987 with Vern's death, but were revived by George McWhorter in 1990. As curator of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Memorial Collection at the University of Louisville, McWhorter was ideally suited to helm the reborn Bulletin. What started out as a simple mimeographed fanzine has become a glossy, professionally produced quarterly journal. Thanks to McWhorter’s efforts and now under the guidance of current editor, Henry Franke III, Edgar Rice Burroughs has received a level of exposure and critical recognition not seen for decades. The Bibliophiles membership continues to grow, indicating that the organization’s namesake will continue to be one of the world’s most popular authors well into the twenty-first century. 
" When I first started in to write, I was sort of ashamed of it as an occupation for a big, strong, healthy man, so I kept it a secret. No one helped me. No one knew what I was doing -- not even my closest friends. Now I've come to the conclusion that writing is a 'pretty nice' way to make a living. "
